In January 2022, the average regional monthly air temperature was above the norm by 1.2-2.7 °С, and amounted to 0 °С – minus 1.6 °С. In the eastern, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Sumy and Chernihiv regions – up to minus 2.1-3.5 °С, in the extreme north-eastern regions to minus 4.2 °С. The maximum air temperature in January in most of the country’s territory increased to 11-16 °C, in the eastern, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Sumy, Chernihiv, Volyn and Rivne regions – up to 5-10 °C. The minimum air temperature on cold nights dropped to minus 15-20 °C, in the Sumy, Chernihiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattya regions – to minus 21-23 °C.
The amount of precipitation for January in the northern, Khmelnitsky, Rivne, Ternopil, Lviv, Transcarpathian and Volyn regions ranged from 133 to 181% of the monthly norm (from 44 to 71 mm). In the southern, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad and Chernivtsi regions, the January precipitation amounted to 40-63% of the norm (14-27 mm). In other areas, the amount of precipitation for the month was close to the norm.

As of January 31, in the eastern, Transcarpathian, Poltava, in many areas of the northern, Khmelnitsky, Vinnytsya, in certain areas of Kirovohrad, Cherkasy, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Ternopil, Rivne, Volyn and Lviv regions, the snow depth ranged from 6 to 22 cm. In the rest of the territory there was no snow at all or its height did not exceed 1-5 cm.
In January, winter crops were in a state of winter dormancy. According to the observations of agrometeorologists in many areas of the Poltava region, in certain areas of the Chernihiv region for two, Sumy – three ten-day periods, there was an occurrence of an ice crust ground to the ground with a thickness of 2 to 15 mm, in some places in the Sumy region – up to 21 mm, the degree of distribution is up to 90% field area. The minimum soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node of winter crops (3 cm) in the third ten-day period of January ranged from 0 °С to minus 8 °С, which is much higher than the critical freezing temperatures.