In the first ten days of September, as a result of the predominant influence on the weather of the Arctic anticyclone in Ukraine, atypical for recent years, cold weather for the beginning of autumn was observed. The average daily air temperature on the coldest days was 3-8° С below normal. In the northern half of the country, very low night temperatures were observed – only 1- 4 °С, in the northern and eastern regions in places from 0 °С to minus 2 °С. In a number of regions, a historical minimum of air temperature was reached or blocked in early September. In addition to the southern and southeastern regions, the first frosts were observed at a height of 2 cm and the soil surface, in the eastern and northern regions in some places and in the air. These were some of the earliest frosts in recent decades.
The average regional air temperature over the decade was in the western, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsya, Odesa and Kherson regions by 1.5-2.5 °C, in the rest of the country – by 2.6-3.4 °C below the norm and amounted to 12.6 °С in the north to 17.1 °С in the south of the country. The maximum temperature rose to 25-29 °C, in the Kherson region – up to 30-31 °C. On the coolest nights, the minimum air temperature in the northern, Lviv, Kharkiv and Luhansk regions dropped to 0°С – minus 2°С, in the rest of the territory – to plus 1-5°С.
Within 1-3 days, mainly in the western, eastern and southern regions, uneven precipitation was observed from light and moderate to occasional heavy rains.

Agrometeorological conditions for the completion of the growing season and the collection of late crops, the initial growth and development of sown winter rapeseed, the preparation of areas for sowing winter crops, the accumulation of sugars in fruits and root crops were quite satisfactory.