The weather was warmer than usual with precipitation of various amounts in the form of rain, sometimes wet snow and snow in the third ten-day period of November in Ukraine. Fog was noted during the ten-day period, as well as sleet on some days.
The average regional air temperature over the ten-day period was in the Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Lviv, Volyn, Rivne and Kherson regions by 1.8-3.0 °С, in the rest of the territory – by 3.1-4.1 °С higher for the norm and ranged from 2.6 °C in the northeast to 6.2 °C in the south of the country.
Precipitation in the form of rain, snow and sleet of varying amounts and intensity was observed for 1-6 days throughout the country. Their average regional number in most regions ranged from 121 to 205% of the ten-day norm (from 15 to 39 mm). In the Chernivtsi, Khmelnitsky, Vinnytsya regions, the ten-day amount was 35-40%. In Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions – 56-64% of the norm (5-10 mm). In the Zaporizhzhya, Odesa and Cherkasy regions, the amount of precipitation for a ten-day period was close to the norm – 14-16 mm.

The weather conditions of the last ten-day period of autumn were quite favorable for sown winter crops. Warmer normal weather favored slow growth on the warmest days. The rains that have passed during the ten-day period have replenished the moisture reserves after a long dry period. At the end of the ten-day period, wintering crops in most areas were in a state of shallow winter dormancy. Only in the southern and western regions, where the level of average temperatures was higher, did inactive vegetation occur, basically without changes in phase development.