In the middle of the third ten-day period of April, an active atmospheric front that moved from southwest to east caused rains in most areas. There was little rainfall in the southern and southeastern regions. The change in the synoptic situation was accompanied by strong wind and a short-term decrease in air temperature. During the ten-day period, frosts were observed in the air and on the soil, fluctuations in the average daily air temperature were 3–5 °C higher than normal, and up tp 1–4 °C lower than normal.
The average regional ten day air temperature in most of the country was close to normal, in the western (except Transcarpathia), Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Vinnytysa regions it was 1.2-1.6 °C higher, in the Donetsk it was 1.4 °C below the norm and ranged from 10.4 °C in the north to 12.2 °C in the south of the country. The maximum air temperature on the warmest days increased to 23-26 °C. The minimum air temperature on the coldest nights decreased in the Luhansk region to minus 6 °C, in the Ternopil and Mykolayiv regions to 0 °C, in the rest of the country to minus 1-4 °C.
Frosts were observed on the soil surface throughout the country for 1-8 days.
As of April 30, the reserves of productive moisture under winter crops in the tilth-top soil in most areas remained insufficient (11-20 mm of productive moisture). In most areas of the southern, separate areas of the eastern, Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkasy, Poltava, Volyn and Lviv regions it was unsatisfactory (5-10 mm). In many areas of Odesa, sometimes in the Mykolayiv and Kherson regions, the tilth-top soil was completely dry. A sufficiently moistened 0-20 cm soil layer remained in the Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, in most areas of the Ternopil, Transcarpathian, Vinnytsya, some areas of the Lviv, Khmelnitsky, Cherkasy, Poltava, Kyiv and Chernihiv regions. During the ten-day period, the formation of the lower node of the straw (the beginning of stem growth) in winter crops continued. The condition of the plants is satisfactory and good, and in some areas of the northern and eastern regions it was excellent. In the Odesa region in most of the areas the condition of winter crops was unsatisfactory, in some places complete death of plants was noted. In many areas of the southern, central, separate areas of the northern, western and eastern regions, yellowing and drying of leaves, winter stems due to arid conditions, and some areas affected by agricultural diseases and agricultural pests were noted. Flowering began in winter rape, in places in the central and northern regions – the formation of the first pods. The condition of the crops is mostly satisfactory and good. Over the course of a ten-day period, spring barley sprouted, 3rd leaf, nodal roots and tillering continued, and in some areas of the southern regions, the formation of the lower node of the straw began. In some areas of the Zaporizhzhya region barley crops were affected by diseases, and in the Kharkiv region by agricultural pests. Yellowing of the leaves from drought was noted in some places in the southern regions. In oats and wheat the formation of nodal roots, 3 leaves and tillering was noted. On later sown areas, germination of grain and the formation of seedlings were noted, in the northern regions sowing continued. The condition of plants that emerged is predominantly good and satisfactory. During the ten-day period sowing of corn continued, in previously sown areas germination of grain and the formation of seedlings were noted.